Calling Brave Leaders...

"To be the person who we long to be - we must be vulnerable. We must take off the armor, put down the weapons, show up, and let ourselves be seen."
- Dr. Brené Brown

Our next Dare to Lead™ workshop kicks-off in November! Are you ready to take on daring leadership?


Why Daring Leadership Now?

Next workshop of 2024 starts in:


Register now—spaces are limited to ensure the best experience.

Dare to Lead Graduates

Being a good leader isn’t just a title.

We are ALL leaders in some aspect of our lives, therefore, we believe leadership development should be accessible to ALL.

Designed by Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is a 3-day series designed to teach individuals, teams, and entire organizations the research-based skill sets of courage that turn you into a braver, more daring leader.

Come away with powerful new language, operationalized values, and practical tools to better lead. Simply put: this course is the accelerator you need to accomplish every last one of your 2024 goals.

Is This Course Right for You?

We believe EVERYONE can benefit from the work of Brené Brown, but here's four takeaway tools attendees tell us they which they'd had sooner.


Master the Art of Tough Conversations


Transform Cultures of Shame and Blame


Build Trust, Innovation and Accountability


Drive Results by Rising Strong from Setbacks

Still not sure?
It's ok, we get it - when every penny counts, it's
important to make sure it makes 'cents' for you.

Here’s More of What You’ll Learn

Rumbling with Vulnerability

Develop the courage to show up fully when you can’t control the outcome. Step into tough conversations and provide honest and productive feedback. Be vulnerable in your relationships with others in every meeting, email, phone call and face-to-face conversation inside and outside the workplace.

Dare to Lead January Pic
Dare to Lead January 2

Living Into
Your Values

Get clear on what you believe and check that your intentions, words, thoughts and behaviors align with your beliefs. As a leader, you must realize when to act and know that sometimes you need to act in difficult situations. It takes courage to recognize these opportunities for leadership and to set an example for your team. Learn the steps to live into your values and make decisions, even hard ones, that honor those values.


Trust is built through small moments of vulnerability and comes from choosing courage over comfort. In business, trust increases speed and decreases costs. Master the essential elements behind being a trustworthy leader that people can count on to do what you say you will do, including acting within your competencies and limitations. Develop boundaries for you and your team that help create an environment of trust.

Dare to Lead Virtual
Dare to Lead 2

Learning to Rise

Face risk, uncertainty, and tough conversations with courage, clarity and empathy. Learning to rise is about acquiring resilience skills. Leaders trained in these skills are more likely to engage in courageous behaviors because they know how to get back up and become more tenacious as a result of it.

Take a Peek Inside

Over the course of 3 days, course participants will deep-dive into the four skill set's of courage that create more daring leaders. We will get to the root of how to show up, be deliberate, do brave work, have hard conversations, and develop meaningful relationships in our fast-paced, complex environments.

Day 1
November 19, 2024

  • The Heart of Daring Leadership
  • Armored Leadership versus Daring Leadership
  • Self-Awareness and Emotional Literacy
  • The Myths of Vulnerability

Day 2
November 20, 2024

  • Shame Resilience
  • Empathy and Self-Compassion
  • Living Into Our Values
  • Grounded Confidence and Rumbling Skills

Day 3
November 21, 2024

  • Engaged Feedback
  • Braving Trust
  • Learning to Rise: The Reckoning
  • The Rumble and The Revolution

Ready to learn the tangible tools that will change the way you work and live forever?

Spots are limited to provide the best in-person experience. Take the plunge and invest in YOU this year - it's the one investment you can always count on.

OK, I'm In!

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...


Why did you attend the
Dare to Lead™ workshop? 

I felt stuck in my evolution as a leader of a large, experienced team. I was at a point in my leadership where the tools I relied upon in the past for effective facilitation, inspiration, and meaning were not moving my team and I in the direction I envisioned in my head. I was responsible for their individual and collective development. There was great potential in my team that I was leaving on the table. Meanwhile, I was stretching myself beyond a sustainable capacity.

January 2020 Workshop


What lessons from Dare to Lead™ did you take with you and implement in your personal or professional life?

I use a different lesson almost every day! Understanding "Stormy First Drafts" helps me whenever I'm dealing with conflict, as does understanding how to mitigate the barriers to reckoning with emotion. "Clear is Kind" is what I say to myself every time I communicate with a colleague, friend, or family member. There are countless ways that I use what I've learned, but I think the biggest one is that you need to be "in the arena" to claim your wins and own your losses; I can't live my life as a spectator! 

January 2020 Workshop

Have Questions? We Have Answers.

Who's this class for?

This class is designed for anyone looking for powerful new language, operationalized values and practical tools and frameworks to better lead and accomplish their personal and professional goals in current times. Reaching your dreams is a brave and courageous journey - Dare to Lead™ has tools to help!

What's the time commitment?

Dare to Lead™ is a 3-day interactive workshop like you have never experienced. Participants will have 24 hours of total class time - 8 hours each day, with breaks woven in throughout the day.

Am I guaranteed a promotion?

While we'd love to be able to guarantee a promotion, we aren't fortune tellers. What we can guarantee is that you'll be given the tools, techniques, and support you need to clarify what you stand for, have important conversations, build connections, show up from a place of integrity, face risk, and lead with courage each day. 

What's included in the course?

Participants receive: a Dare to Lead™ workbook, Dare to Lead™ Trained certificate and badge for LinkedIn profile, access to private, member-only Dare to Lead™ LinkedIn and Facebook groups, AND the ability to teach the course inside your organization with a Dare to Lead™ Facilitator.

Will this help me 'cure' my partners selective hearing?

Ok - so while we can't promise your partner, boss, coworkers or children will suddenly be more tuned in to what you are saying, we can tell you we've heard from numerous people that conversations with the close people in their lives were so much more clear and productive after learning the tools inside Dare to Lead™.

I don't manage anyone. Can this still help me?

YES! As we mentioned - we are ALL leaders, be it in our careers, personal life or community. Struggling to get buy in from your coworkers or managers? Limiting beliefs keeping you paralyzed from conquering your goals? This course has your name on it.

Ready to take on daring leadership, but can't make the fall 2024 dates?

Join the waitlist to be notified when spring 2025 course dates open!
JDG Advisors

Your Facilitator

Joni D. Goodman, CPTD, CDTLF

Joni D. Goodman, CPTD is a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator who lives and breathes personal and professional development. An enneagram #7 with a background in biochemistry (say what?), you can usually find her explaining all the physiological reasons behind our imposter syndromes and how to let it go to live our best life. To know her is to love her dance breaks and epic playlists. A recovering anxiety-ridden teen from Indiana, Joni pulls from her personal experiences and those of others to help leaders, individuals, and teams to be self-aware so they may more effectively communicate.

Since 2020, more than 120,000 leaders worldwide have become Dare to Lead™ trained.

Will you be next?

Dare to Lead Materials


You have questions.
We have answers.

We get it - inquiring minds want to know. Send us your burning questions. Rather jump on a call and learn more? No problem, just leave us a note below and request a call.

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